3 Boys Farm
Ruskin, Florida
A model of conservation, the 10-acre 3 Boys Farm in Ruskin has integrated alternative energy sources with high- and low-tech systems to produce a hyper-efficient, sustainable 21st century farm.
While collecting rainwater in cisterns isn't a new idea, the way in which the farm uses the water is. Owner Robert Tornello harvests it from the roofs of his greenhouses to use as a base for the hydroponic growing solution and in the greenhouse cooling systems. Using rainwater reduces his annual draw from the aquifer by over 10 million gallons.
The hydroponic growing technique and greenhouse climate control system allows 3 Boys Farm to organically grow any vegetable or herb year round, a rare feat for a Florida farm. Customers -- including upscale, ethnic and fusion restaurants -- rave about the quality and variety of the produce and the ability to cook with vegetables and herbs, grown to their exact specifications, picked just hours before.
As others were leaving traditional agriculture, Tornello felt it was time to return with a new vision. Combining old techniques with advanced technology he wanted to grow a wholesome crop with little impact on the environment. At 3 Boys Farm he has succeeded.
Download High-Resolution Image (JPG) Robert Tornello, Owner of 3 Boys Farm and Tornello Nurseries |
Download High-Resolution Image (JPG) Basil growing hydroponically in soilless medium. |
Download High-Resolution Image (JPG) Cucumber growing hydroponically in a soilless medium. |
Download High-Resolution Image (JPG) Large tanks, background, capture rainwater runoff from the greenhouse roofs. The water is transferred into in-ground insulated tanks, foreground, where it is then used in the greenhouse cooling system and in the hydroponic growing solution. |
Download High-Resolution Image (JPG) Rainwater storage tanks are connected to three miles of underground pipe that route the water throughout the farm. |
Download High-Resolution Image (JPG) Tornello Nurseries is the largest wholesale bamboo nursery in the United States. |
Download High-Resolution Image (JPG)
Executive Chef Jason Cline, center, selects vegetables with Head Grower Michael Lenas and Tornello. Vegetables selected by Cline will be served only hours later in his restaurant, Bin 27 Bistro in Tampa. |
Download High-Resolution Image (JPG) Greenhouses at 3 Boys Farms in Ruskin. |
Download the 2010 Agricultural Environmental Leadership Awards Booklet (PDF)