Florida Ag Logo/Florida Nurseryman and Growers Association Logo
Bloomers Img1 Bloomers Img2 Bloomers Img3 Bloomers Img4
Hosting Request
Hosting Facts
Tour Schedule

Spring flower buds will be poking through the ground before we know it, and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Florida Nurserymen and Growers Association would like you to show off your springtime blooms.

Beginning March 15, 2003, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Florida Nurserymen and Growers Association will sponsor a tour of notable public and private gardens throughout the state. This is a wonderful opportunity for the public to view a variety of garden types and learn proper landscaping techniques and garden care.

The schedule for the tours of Florida gardens is as follows:

Southern Zone, March 15 - 23
Central Zone, March 22 - 30
Northern Zone, March 29 - April 6.

Currently we are scheduling venues in each zone. If you would like to be a part of the tour and would like to show off your bloomers, please click here to complete an online request form. For more information, email or call 850-488-4366.

Check back periodically as we will update this web site and the map below.

Northern Zone
Central Zone
Southern Zone

Northern Zone

Central Zone

Southern Zone