
Sweet Corn





Sweet Corn

History and Facts:
Indian corn was cultivated in the two Americas from Canada to Patagonia long before Columbus reached the shores of the New World. The first written record of corn in North America is found in Icelandic Sagas as early as 1006. Corn (maize) was bound closely to the great Indian civilizations. Sweet corn was primarily a minor or local crop for fresh markets in the United States until after World War II. Florida is the major source of sweet corn during the winter and early spring as harvesting is most active from November to June. Growers produce both yellow and white varieties.

Nutritional Value:
Sweet corn provides a fair amount of vitamin A and B and is very low in sodium.

Corn should be stored at temperatures of 34 to 38 degrees fahrenheit, with a relative humidity of 85 to 90 percent. If held at room temperature, corn will rapidly lose its sugar content. Pre-packaging does not take the place of refrigeration. Typical shelf life is 4 to 6 days, and up to 10 days for supersweet.

September through July

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