Commissioner Adam H. Putnam

Florida Agriculture: 500 Years in the Making

Florida Ferns for Floral Arrangements

Variegated Pittosporum

Variegated Pittosporum

Botanical Name

Asparagus macowanii (Liliaceae Family)


A large ornamental, with slightly stiff woody branches covered by tufts of forest green small needle-like foliage.

Seasonal Availabilty


Vase Life

7-10 days

Purchasing Hints

Foliage should be free from yellowing or browning. Stem should be gray-white.

Care and Handling

Remove bundle ties and slant cut one inch from stems base. Place stems in 2-3 inches of tepid water. Condition at room temperature for an hour and then place in a 36 degree F cooler.

Design Tips

Excellent foliage for Ikebana and tropical designs. Slant-cut smaller pieces off larger branches to use as filler in designs. Very nice in wedding boutonniere. Great compliment to orchids.

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