Florida Ferns for Floral Arrangements
Sprengeri Fern
Botanical Name
Asparagus densiflorus (Liliaceae Family)
2-3 feet long. Strong stem supports fluffy branchlets with soft green needles.
Seasonal Availabilty
Vase Life
7 - 10 days
Purchasing Hints
Foliage should be light green but not yellowed. Ted berries may be present at certain times of the year. Base of stem is white.
Care and Handling
Remove bundle ties and slant cut one inch from stems base. Place in tepid water 2-3 inches deep. Mist foliage and store in a cooler at 36 degrees F.
Design Tips
Great for garlands, swags or wreaths. Natural red berries highlight foliage. Terrific in large arrangements as cascading filler at base. Very popular in funeral work.