Florida Ferns for Floral Arrangements
Umbrella Plant, Umbrella Palm
Botanical Name
Cyperus alternifolius (Cyperaceae Family)
2-4 feet long fibrous, green stem bearing a crown of bright-green, grass-like leaves. The leaf blades are 4-6 inches in length and about one-quarter to one-half inch wide.
Seasonal Availabilty
Vase Life
12-16 days
Purchasing Hints
Leaves should be free of damage and have a shiny appearance. Some small flowers at the center of crown can be seen during some seasons.
Care and Handling
Remove bundle ties, then slant cut one inch from stems base. Place stems in 2-3 inches of tepid water. Use a container which is tall enough to help prevent the stems from breakage.
Design Tips
Special order longer lengths for entertainment decorating. Great to use in theme floristry. Razor the crown's leaves into attractive angles or shapes. Slice into the stem (but do not sever) to create angles or geometric shapes with this foliage.