North Central Florida
Fairs and Expositions (2010-2011 Season)
Contact each fair directly for information regarding tickets, entertainment or vendor services. Contact information for each fair is listed below the map.
Alachua County Fair
October 22-29, 2011Gainesville, Florida
Jesse Lewis
P.O. Box 2566
Gainesville, Florida 32602
Telephone: (352) 372-1537
Fax: (352) 378-3996
Columbia County Fair
October 28 - November 5, 2011
Lake City, Florida
Contact Information
Linda Dowling
P.O. Box 1376
Lake City, Florida 32056
Telephone: (386) 752-8822
Fax: (386) 752-7506
North Florida Fair
November 3-13, 2011
Tallahassee, Florida
Contact Information:
Mark Harvey
441 Paul Russell Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Telephone: (850) 878-3247
Fax: (850) 942-6950
Suwannee River Fair and Livestock Show
(No Midway)
March 8-21, 2012
Fanning Springs, Florida
Contact Information:
Loran Brookins
P.O. Box 252
Trenton, Florida 32693
Telephone: (352) 221-5935
Fax: (352) 463-6088
Bradford County Fair
March 16-24, 2012
Starke, Florida
Contact Information:
James L. Crawford
2300 North Temple Avenue
Starke, Florida 32091
Telephone: (904) 964-5252
Fax: (904) 964-8631
Suwannee County Fair and Youth Livestock Show
April 6-14, 2012
Live Oak, Florida
Contact Information:
Lynn Touchton
P.O. Box 266
Live Oak, Florida 32064
Telephone: (386) 362-3247
Fax: (386) 362-1980
Levy County Fair
April 12-15, 2012
Williston, Florida
Contact Information:
Norma Myers
P.O. Box 818
Williston, Florida 32696
Telephone: (352) 528-2516
Fax: (352) 528-1031