
The FAPC Program:
Mission and Overview

The Florida Agricultural Promotional Campaign (FAPC) is an identification and promotional program designed to boost the image and increase sales of Florida agriculture by helping consumers easily identify Florida grown and produced agricultural products.

The multimedia campaign also helps increase public awareness of the importance of Florida's $6 billion agriculture industry to the state's economy.

The FAPC provides an opportunity for the agricultural industry to benefit from a multi-tiered advertising campaign coordinated by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Those participating in the program are authorized to use a variety of distinctive logos on their promotional materials so that consumers and buyers can easily identify Florida agricultural products .

Many retail stores are also using point-of-purchase materials which feature
the colorful logo. In addition, radio, television, print and billboard advertising is utilized to promote Florida agriculture and to create a positive image of the Florida farmer.

The promotional campaign was authorized by the Legislature in 1990. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services was designated to implement the program, following guidelines established by an advisory council. The council is composed of producers, shippers, packers, retailers, commodity association representatives and a consumer and Department representative.
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