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Division of Marketing and Development
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Mayo Building, M-9
407 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0800
(850) 617-7300

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Adam H. Putnam, Commissioner

Fresh2U Logo

The age-old question of how to encourage children to eat right still challenges parents today. Busy schedules make it difficult for parents to plan nutritious meals or even eat together as a family. Glitzy advertisements aimed at children often promote foods that aren't very nutritious or contain "empty calories."

Even though we live in a land of plenty, many of our children don't have healthy diets. A growing number of today's children suffer from obesity and other diet-related health problems. These problems likely will worsen as they become adults. That's why it is so important to instill good eating habits in children today so they can live full, active, and healthy lives in the future.

Toward this end, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services created the Fresh-2-U program to promote positive eating habits among Florida's children. Fresh-2-U encourages young people to eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

As a parent, you are the single most important source of information for your child. They listen and learn from you. Fresh-2-U promotes interaction between parents and children to help develop healthy eating habits. It's simple, educational, and fun! Fresh-2-U encourages your child to try at least 20 different Florida fruits and vegetables at home over the course of the school year. Trying new foods in a fun, family setting is a great way for children to discover that they're good!

Fresh-2-U challenges your child to explore and try new things. It features an old-fashioned Report Card to track your child's progress, and instills a sense of pride and accomplishment. Most importantly, it is something that you and your child can do together.

Please read this material with your child and participate in Fresh-2-U. With a little guidance from you, your child can have fun while developing healthy eating habits. Remember, what your child learns now can last a lifetime!

Music Videos

(Click on title for script)
Length Play
Fresh-2-U Video 1 - We're Fresh-2-U
2 MB 2 MB 9 MB
Fresh-2-U Video 2 - Don't Spoil Your Fun
2 MB 2 MB 10 MB
Fresh-2-U Video 3 - Good Grades
2 MB 2 MB 8 MB
Fresh-2-U Video 4 - Snack Attack
2 MB 2 MB 8 MB
Fresh-2-U Video 5 - Scrub It Up
2 MB 2 MB 8 MB
Fresh-2-U Video 6 - When In Doubt, Throw It Out
2 MB 2 MB 8 MB
Fresh-2-U Video 7 - Do U Know Where It Comes From?
2 MB 2 MB 7 MB

Learning Resources

Click icons to access learning resources.

Food Item Month Mini-
Growing Map Image
Coloring Pages (PDF) Nutrition Link
Avocado Oct October Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Bell pepper Apr Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Blueberry May Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Cabbage Feb Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Cantaloupe Jun Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Carambola Sep Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Carrot Mar Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Celery Apr Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Cucumber Nov Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Grapefruit Feb Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Greens Oct Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Mango Sep Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Orange Jan Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Snap bean Nov Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Squash Jan Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Strawberry Mar Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Sweet corn May Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Tangerine Dec Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Tomato Dec Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition
Watermelon Jun Poster Florida Camera Crayon Nutrition

Florida's Commodities at a glance
Download this map (205 KB)

Florida's Commodities Map

This map of Florida shows the regions where various commodities are produced or harvested, including citrus, field crops, fruit, vegetables, nursery, livestock, shellfish, seafood, forest, alligator, and ornamental fish. Map also shows the soil conditions -- clay, sand, muck and coral -- of the various growing regions of the state.

Fresh-2-U Report Card
Download the report card (623 KB)

Fresh-2-U report Card cover

This map of Florida shows the regions where various commodities are produced or harvested, including citrus, field crops, fruit, vegetables, nursery, livestock, shellfish, seafood, forest, alligator, and ornamental fish. Map also shows the soil conditions -- clay, sand, muck and coral -- of the various growing regions of the state.

Fresh-2-U Kids Nutrition Coloring Book
Download this coloring book (1.6 MB)

Fresh-2-U Kids Nutrition Coloring Book cover

This book contains coloring pages, information about fresh fruits and vegetables, puzzles, nutritional information and recipes.

Kids Kitchen Cookbook
Download this cookbook (870 KB)

Kids Kitchen Cookbook cover

Children ages 7 to 17 will have fun learning their way around the kitchen with this cooking and recipe booklet, which is designed for kids and their parents to use together. The cooking guide contains: a glossary of kitchen and cooking terms; explanations of how and when to use various cooking tools; cooking fundamentals; tips on safety and cleanliness; and seasonal availability of fresh Florida fruits and vegetables. Once they have explored the basics of cooking, children and their parents can try out the book's 23 "kid-friendly" breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes.

Xtreme Cuisine Kids Cooking School Brochure
Download this brochure (1 MB)

Xtreme Cuisine Kids Cooking School Brochure cover

This brochure helps children and parents learn how to make fun and nutritious snacks using healthy ingredients. Included is information about: nutrition; the pitfalls of junk food; recommended calorie intake for different age groups; antioxidants and minerals; serving sizes; whole grains; how to read food labels; and quick snack recipes.

Fuel Up And Get Fit Brochure
Download this brochure (1.4 MB)

Fuel Up And Get Fit Brochure cover

There are many things you can do to get in shape. But eating healthy foods and exercising are two of the best. If you do these things, you will be more likely to consume and burn the correct number of calories for your age and gender and maintain a healthy weight. But don’t go by calories alone. We also need to eat food that provides the most nutrition (fuel to keep us going). Healthy foods include fruit and vegetables, whole grains, milk products, lean meats, beans, nuts and other protein choices. This brochure features healthy and fun activities and snacks for kids and teenagers.

Florida Agriculture Trivia Flash Cards
Download this brochure (3 MB)

Florida Agriculture Trivia Flash Cards cover

This set of 11 flash cards is an excellent teaching tool for teachers. There are multiple-choice questions about several of the Florida-grown products that help make up the state's important agriculture industry. Have fun testing your knowledge about Florida agriculture!

Hispanic Traditions and Good Health (in English)
Download this brochure (160 KB)

Hispanic Traditions and Good Health (in English) cover

Cultural factors, including traditional diets and exercise habits, can increase obesity among some minority groups, including Hispanics. The key to a better diet is to seek ways to incorporate healthy ingredients into traditional foods. By blending Florida produce in with traditional Latin cuisine, meals can become healthier. Starchy foods can be balanced with lighter vegetable dishes and still allow dishes to reflect cultural preferences. The goal is not to abandon tradition but to enhance it the healthy way.

Hispanic Traditions and Good Health (in Spanish)
Download this brochure (229 KB)

Hispanic Traditions and Good Health (in Spanish) cover

Cultural factors, including traditional diets and exercise habits, can increase obesity among some minority groups, including Hispanics. The key to a better diet is to seek ways to incorporate healthy ingredients into traditional foods. By blending Florida produce in with traditional Latin cuisine, meals can become healthier. Starchy foods can be balanced with lighter vegetable dishes and still allow dishes to reflect cultural preferences. The goal is not to abandon tradition but to enhance it the healthy way.

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