Commissioner Adam H. Putnam

Florida Agriculture: 500 Years in the Making

Agriscience Education Leadership Program

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Agriscience Education Leadership Program?
    The Agriscience Education Leadership Program further develops agriscience teachers, science teachers and administrators' abilities to improve the agricultural education opportunities offered to students in Florida. Educators are challenged to refine their leadership skills and expand their knowledge of Florida agriculture. Additionally, this program allows participants to diversify their curriculum to include all components of agriculture, which will help lay a strong foundation for Florida's young people.
  2. What is the need for this program?
    Many of Florida's teachers have not had the opportunity to experience the breadth of Florida agriculture. From Pensacola to the Keys, Florida produces nearly 300 agricultural commodities that feed, clothe and shelter the world. Florida's educators will benefit from understanding how this industry affects their everyday lives and the role they play in ensuring the industry's future. While agriscience instruction is offered in more than 300 public schools, agriculture relates to all subject areas and teachers of varying backgrounds now have the opportunity to learn how to incorporate agriculture into science, math, history, English, humanities and more.
  3. How are participants selected?
    Each school district superintendent is asked to nominate one agriscience teacher, one science teacher and one administrator with three years of education experience from their county. The nominees must submit completed applications, which are reviewed by the selection committee. The selection committee then chooses 12 to 15 participants based on their application information and essay answers.
  4. What does the program consist of?
    The participants travel four times throughout the year to various areas of the state. Each trip consists of touring agricultural operations, meeting with industry representatives, understanding Florida's natural resources, examining environmental opportunities and engaging in leadership development.

    In addition to meeting and learning about the industry, during the evening hours participants work on group projects to expand agriculture curriculum that benefits teachers and their students throughout Florida.
  5. Comments from participants
    "It is important for agriscience educators to be able to relay the most current information and trends in agriculture to the students. We hope the things we learn about agriculture and our Florida environment will make our students better consumers and will encourage them to consider pursuing a career in agriculture."
    -- Susan Kelly

    "Because of your efforts, our teachers will be prepared to help our students meet the exciting challenges in the future of agriculture."
    -- Daniel Cox

    "I know I will benefit from the information gained and intend to transfer your enthusiasm and knowledge to better prepare my students for their future. In addition hopefully we will be able to promote agriculture education and the impact that agriculture has on our economy and quality of life."
    -- Lynn Nobles

    "We as agriculture teachers many times feel we are on our own in our mission to educate and excite young minds to the important field we are in, but after our visit I know I came home feeling much more support than ever before. I am excited about this program"
    -- Beth Guevara

    "I just wanted to let you know how much I learned from the things we saw and experienced. Please do all you can to keep this program so my fellow educators can grow from it as well."
    -- Ben Randolph

    "This has made a tremendous impact on me and the others in the program. The experiences that I have been able to take back to my classroom and share with my students have been most rewarding."
    -- Lori Albritton

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