What's a parent to do?

School Lunch Ideas

The average school lunch time is about 21 minutes. Consider the time children take to visit, and take restroom breaks -- they may have as little as 10 minutes to eat lunch. So remember to make those lunch foods convenient.

clock juggling fruits and vegetables
Be sure vegetables snacks are portable. Keep carrot and celery sticks and peeled orange and tangerine sections packed in snack-size, zip-seal bags so kids can eat them on the go.

Slice a carambola for boxed lunches. Your child will be a "star."

Get your child involved in preparing and packaging lunches. Just one medium fruit, or 1/2 cup of chopped vegetable, equals a complete serving.

Five A Day can be fun and your children can participate in creative ways to attain better eating habits.

veggie border

How to get your kids to eat right!
Make it Fun Make it Quick Make it Easy School Lunch Ideas
