Commissioner Adam H. Putnam

Florida Agriculture: 500 Years in the Making
FAPC Member Login

Agricultural Commerce, Business Development and Marketing

Florida Agricultural Promotional Campaign (FAPC), “Fresh From Florida”

The vast majority of Florida’s 47,000 agricultural producers are small farmers.  As such, they do not have the resources to individually conduct promotional and advertising campaigns to help market their products.  By joining the Florida Agricultural Promotional Campaign (FAPC), both small and large producers can benefit from the “Fresh From Florida” programs conducted by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  

The hallmark of the program is the familiar “Fresh From Florida” logo, which is displayed on product packaging and signage and in a variety of print and electronic media.  Only members of the FAPC are permitted to use the logo.  The logo associates the member’s products with Florida agriculture’s worldwide image of excellence, which has been carefully cultivated and promoted by the FAPC program since its beginnings in 1990.

FAPC members have the opportunity to use the “Fresh From Florida” logos, participate in industry trade shows at a reduced cost, receive point-of-purchase materials, have access to trade leads, receive the “Fresh From Florida” magazine and industry newsletter, tie-in to supermarket promotions that feature Florida products in newspaper and store circular advertisements, and receive a farm sign customized with the member’s business name.

FAPC Membership

There are two levels of FAPC membership. Paying members (that pay an annual fee) include producers, packers, repackers, processors, brokers, shippers, cooperatives, agriculture supporters, and industry organizations. Non-paying members include retailers, food service, non-profits, wholesalers, educational organizations, and governmental organizations. 

Order Point-of-Sale Display Materials

Many types of point-of-sale and retail display materials promoting Florida agricultural products are available free of charge to FAPC members. These display materials can only be used to promote Florida products.

Logo Incentive Program

FAPC members can participate in Logo Incentive Program, which offsets a portion of their consumer packaging and carton printing costs while promoting the "Fresh From Florida" message.

Information About the Logo Incentive Program

Official Forms


Florida Laws

Purchase “Fresh From Florida” Merchandise

Visit the Online Merchandise Store to purchase "Fresh From Florida" merchandise such as aprons, tote bags, caps, visors, shirts, jackets and sweatshirts.

Contact Us About the Florida Agricultural Promotional Campaign

Division of Marketing and Development
Bureau of Development and Information
The Mayo Building
407 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0800

Yolanda Roundtree
(850) 617-7330
(850) 617-7331 Fax

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