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bullet.gif (1008 bytes)Recipes high in folic acid
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Recipes high in folic acid
The most basic approach to
getting the proper amount of
folic acid is to eat foods rich
in the nutrient.

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Guava Jelly

4 cups guava juice
4 to 4½ cups sugar
¼ cup lime juice
1 package liquid pectin

Choose half-ripe guavas and prepare guava juice (see recipe below). Place juices and pectin in kettle and bring to a quick boil. Add sugar, bring back to boil and boil hard for one minute. Remove from heat, skim, ladle into hot, clean jars and seal.

Guava Juice

Wash two quarts of guavas, remove blossom end, cut into slices. Add water to cover, bring to boiling point, and boil gently for 15 minutes. Strain through a jelly bag. Heat the strained liquid to boiling point and pour into hot, clean jars and seal.

Courtesy of Brooks Tropicals, Homestead, Florida